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Pseudolycopodiella krameriana (B.Øllg.) B.Øllg., 2012


Date de publication : Phytotaxa, 57: 20. 2012 [13/06/2012].
Distribution : Savanes sur sables blancs, endémique du Suriname et du Guyana: région de Zanderij, Kappel-savanna (piedmont du Tafelberg), Roraima (2300 m) (Øllgaard et al. 2020; GBIF).
Taxonomie : D'après Øllgaard et al. (Phytotaxa, 433(2): 129-130. 17/02/2020):"Pseudolycopodiella krameriana appears intermediate in several features between P. iuliformis, P. tatei, and P. contexta, i.e. shape and direction of the leaves of the peduncular branch, and thickness relation of strobilus to the peduncular shoot. Pseudolycopodiella krameriana was found growing together with P. tatei."


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