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Lycopodium duidae var. guianense K.U.Kramer, 1968

accepté comme Pseudolycopodiella krameriana (B.Øllg.) B.Øllg., 2012


Date de publication : Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. C ser. C, 71(5): 520-521. 1968.
Description originale : Lycopodium duidae A. C. Smith var. guianense Kramer, var. nov. Differt a var. duidae caule repente praecipue dorsaliter distincte applanato; strobilis magis tenuibus, ad 11/2 cm latis (cum sporophyllis); sporophyllis minoribus, haud ultra 6 mm longis et 11/2 mm latis, plus sensim apicem versus angustatis, margine non membranaceo et non vel vix erosociliato. Typus: Kramer and Hekking 3030, Kappel savanna near Tafelberg, Suriname (U). Paratypus: Kramer and Hekking 2778, white sand savanna between the Cola creek and Zanderij, Suriname (U) (this has most sporophylls to only 5 mm long).
This was at first taken for L. juliforme Underwood and Lloyd, described from Mt. Roraima and reported from Cerro Duida by A. C. Smith (1931), because of its almost to quite entire sporophylls, but that species, and its relative L. tatei A. C. Smith (Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 57: 180, 1930), have more abruptly acuminate sporophylls, with ± distinct laminal part and acumen, whereas the almost evenly tapering sporophylls of the Suriname collections, and also the characters of the vegetative parts, agree very well with L. duidae. The differences noted above seem to warrant varietal recognition. I am much indebted to Mr. C. V. Morton, Washington, for drawing my attention to the similarity with L. duidae, and for loan of material of the three above-named species.
K: Common in moist parts of the Kappel savanna; the collection from the vicinity of Zanderij is geographically interesting.
Type : Suriname, distr. Saramacca, Kappel-savanna near the southern foot of Tafelberg, 300 m, moist sand savanna with scanty herbaceous vegetation in the eastern part, frequent, with L. meridionale, but more common, 25/02/1961, fertile. Plant creeping, somewhat gregarious. Stem brittle, half immersed in the soil, the lower half almost leafless, pale, bearing thick, white roots growing straight down. Leaves bright green, slightly olivaceous, thick and rigid, their bases polygonal, contiguous. Strobili erect; cataphylls somewhat spreading; sporophylls light green, turning yellowish and spreading. K.U. Kramer & W.H.A. Hekking 3040a (HT: U0007453 p.p.; IT: US01268773 p.p.; IT?: BM000936478 [sur Global plants], ECON00421782, K000574468, L0057342, NY00143976, U.1017981, WISv0257060WIS).
Suriname, entre Zanderij et la Cola Creek, dry open white sand savanna, 27/01/1961, fertile. Stem rather long-creeping, here and there giving off erect branches, loosy matted, only one colony seen. Leaves on prostrate stem ca. 8-seriate, rigid, dark green, shorter on ventral side, those on erect stems spirally arranged, rigid, with paler apex, sporophylles yellowish green with green base, sporangia sulphureus with green base. K.U. Kramer & W.H.A. Hekking 2778 (PT: AAU, UC, U0111332, US00650502).


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