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Lycopodiella krameriana B.Øllg., 2004

accepté comme Pseudolycopodiella krameriana (B.Øllg.) B.Øllg., 2012


Date de publication : Nordic J. Bot., 23(1): 40-42, f. 7a-e. 2004.
Description originale : Lycopodiella krameriana B. Øllg. sp. nov.
Type: Surinam. Between Zanderij and the Cola Creek. Dry open white sand savanna, 27 Jan 1961, Kramer, K. U. & W. H. A. Hekking 2778 (AAU holotype; UC, US, isotypes).
Species nova Lycopodiella iuliformi (L. Underw. & F. Lloyd) B. Øllg. et L. contextae (C. Martius) Holub affinis. A Lycopodiella iuliformi differt imprimis foliis rami strobiliferi falcatis e basi divergente, non appressa. A L. contexta differt imprimis foliis rami strobiliferi planis, latioribus, ad basim vix sursum adnatis. - Fig. 7.
Horizontal shoots closely appressed to the ground, at least up to 20 cm long, rooting with short intervals, sparsely to densely branching in the horizontal plane, bearing stiffly erect, dorsally arising, simple, to 28 cm tall strobiliferous aerial branches. Horizontal shoots densely covered on all sides by leaves, 5-8 mm in dim. Stems 2-3 mm thick, sometimes with a somewhat spongy and swollen cortex. Lateral and dorsal leaves of horizontal shoots uniform, the ventral ones pale, flaccid, some reduced to nearly filiform, upwardly secund and curved. Dorsal and lateral leaves acicular, quadrangular (dried), 4-8 mm long, 0.5-0.8 mm broad, bases broadened (subconical), long decurrent, somewhat adnate adaxially, margins smooth. Erect strobiliferous shoots 3-5 mm in diam. incl leaves, 1-1.8 mm excl. leaves, with uniform, radially arranged leaves. Vegetative leaves of erect shoots borne in alternating, irregular whorls of 4-6, 1.5-3 mm apart, forming 8-12 obscure ranks, uniformly falcately upward curved from a sligthly to strongly diverging base, flattened with a pronounced median ridge, linear-lanceolate to subulate with a long narrow tip, 3-5 (-7) mm long, 0.7-1 mm broad at base, leaf base long and broadly decurrent, and slightly acroscopically adnate. Strobili to 9 cm long, 8-12 mm in diam. Sporophylls borne in alternating whorls of 5-6, forming 10-12 ranks, subpeltate, with a basiscopic, compressed membranaceous wing on the stalk, the exterior face with an ovate to rhombic basal part and a long evenly tapering apex, 5-8 mm long, 1.5-2 mm broad, margins smooth to finely erose-dentate. Sporangia borne on the sporophyll base, reniform, isovalvate, 1-1.5 mm broad. - Fig. 7.
Additional specimens: Surinam. South savannas, Arawak village, Mata, Maguire, B. & G. Stahel 24981 (A). Distr. Saramacca, Tafelberg, Kappel-savanna near the southern foot, 300 m, Kramer, K. U. & W. H. A. Hekking 3040 (U, p.p., US p.p.). Vicinity of Zanderij, near Matta, 45-50 km S of Paramaribo, Mori, S. & A. Bolten 8345 (NY, US).
Description originale : Lycopodiella krameriana is endemic to Surinam, where it is found on moist white sand savannas with scanty herbaceous vegetation in full sun. In some features it appears intermediate between L. iuliformis and L. contexta. Thus the strobilus (with the sporophylls appressed) appears thicker than the erect aerial shoot in L. iuliformis, thinner in L. contexta, but approximately equal in L. krameriana. This aspect is due to leaf shape and direction of the erect aerial branch; in L. iuliformis the leaves are appressed, 4-6 per whorl and flat, in L. contexta they are strongly falcate from a perpendicular base, 6-7 per whorl and acicular, whereas in L. krameriana they are falcately curved from a sligthly to strongly diverging base, 4-6 per whorl, and flattened above the base.
Lycopodiella contexta has not been recorded in Surinam; however, L. krameriana grows so closely associated with Lycopodiella iuliformis var. tatei (A. C. Smith) B. Øllg., that both are present in the mixed collection: Kramer, K. U. & W. H. A. Hekking 3040, U, US. This collection is the type of Lycopodium duidae A. C. Smith var. guianense Kramer, Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam Ser. C, 71(5): 520. 1968 (the type number 3030 indicated in the protologue is a misprint). The protologue clearly indicates that the name was intended for the material that is identical to Lycopodiella iuliformis var. tatei. The type of L. krameriana was cited as a paratype of Lycopodium duidae var. guianense.
Type : Suriname, entre Zanderij et la Cola Creek, dry open white sand savanna, 27/01/1961, fertile. Stem rather long-creeping, here and there giving off erect branches, loosy matted, only one colony seen. Leaves on prostrate stem ca. 8-seriate, rigid, dark green, shorter on ventral side, those on erect stems spirally arranged, rigid, with paler apex, sporophylles yellowish green with green base, sporangia sulphureus with green base. K.U. Kramer & W.H.A. Hekking 2778 (HT: AAU; IT: UC, U0111332, US00650502).
Suriname, south savannas, Arawak village, Mata, B. Maguire & G. Stahel 2498 1 (PT: A).
Suriname, distr. Saramacca, Kappel-savanna near the southern foot of Tafelberg, 300 m, moist sand savanna with scanty herbaceous vegetation in the eastern part, frequent, with L. meridionale, but more common, 25/02/1961, fertile. Plant creeping, somewhat gregarious. Stem brittle, half immersed in the soil, the lower half almost leafless, pale, bearing thick, white roots growing straight down. Leaves bright green, slightly olivaceous, thick and rigid, their bases polygonal, contiguous. Strobili erect; cataphylls somewhat spreading; sporophylls light green, turning yellowish and spreading. K.U. Kramer & W.H.A. Hekking 3040a (PT: U0007453 p.p., US01268773 p.p.; IPT?: BM000936478 [sur Global plants], ECON00421782, K000574468, L0057342, NY00143976, U.1017981, WISv0257060WIS).
Suriname, environs de Zanderij (45-50 km S of Paramaribo), Zanderij savanna on white sand, near Matta, on wet white sand in full sun, 19/09/1976, S.A. Mori & A. Bolten 8345 (PT: NY, U.1017978, US).


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