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Sceptrocnide Maxim., 1877

accepté comme Laportea Gaudich., 1830


Source de la synonymie
Chew, W.-L. 1969. A monograph of Laportea (Urticaceae). The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore, 25(1): 111-178. [CD_REF = 992299] Laportea sect. Laportea Gaudich., 1830
Date de publication : Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Petersbourg, sér. 3, 22: 238-239. 1877.
Type : Sceptrocnide macrostachya Maxim. 1877 [≡ Laportea macrostachya (Maxim.) Ohwi 1936] (Japon).


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