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Spiranthes apiculata Lindl., 1840

accepté comme Spiranthes torta (Thunb.) Garay & H.R.Sweet, 1974


Date de publication : Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl., 7(21): 474. 1840 [07/1840, fide TL-2, 4643].
Description originale : 38. Spiranthes apiculata.
S. glaberrima, foliis ....., scapi squamis vaginatis laxiusculis acuminatis, spicâ rarâ elongatâ, bracteis acuminatis floribus aequalibus, sepalis petalisque acutiusculis, labello oblongo membranaceo apice ovato rotundato carnoso; callis liberis truncatis villosis.
Hab. in insula Trinitatis, Sieber 118. (hab. s. sp. comm. cel. Prescott.)
Stem rather more than a span high, with 5 acuminate sheaths. The spike is twisted in a single trun, and is about the size of S. aestivalis, the flowers, however, are not half the size.


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