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Equisetum robustum var. affine Engelm., 1844

accepté comme Equisetum hyemale subsp. affine (Engelm.) Calder & Roy L.Taylor, 1965


Autorité :
​Engelm. est bien l'auteur de cette var.
Type : ​Lectotype (designated here): USA (Missouri): Grassy clayey banks of Mississippi below Jefferson Barracks, August 1843, G. Engelmann s.n. (MO-255703!, right hand specimen
Isotypes US-00135817!, US-00135819!, VT-027361!).
Note: Mickel & Beitel (1988) designated a specimen in MO, but as there are two specimens on the cited sheet, the right hand specimen was selected here. The left hand specimen is labelled with ‘21 & 23’, which indicates that these are two separate gatherings.

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)


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