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Equisetum hyemale subsp. affine (Engelm.) Calder & Roy L.Taylor, 1965


Statut biogéographique : En voie de naturalisation en Île-de-France
Statut biogéographique : Souvent plantée en zone urbaine et théoriquement capable de se naturaliser en climat non méditerranéen (J.-M. Tison, com. pers.)
Taxonomie :
​Mis en syn. dans la publication de Christenhusz avec E. praealtum mais avec la note ci-dessous :
"Southern and central plants are taller and have more persistent teeth (known as E. praealtum or E. robustum). Along the Pacific and in East Asia plants have bituberculate ridges (E. komarovii, var. californicum, var. japonicum), in the eastern States plants are shorter and have more deciduous teeth (known as var. affine). The three forms are united here under E. praealtum Raf., although some may prefer to treat it as a subspecies of E. hyemale, in which case the correct name is E. hyemale L. subsp. affine (A.Braun & Engelm.) Calder & R.L.Taylor.

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)


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