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Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017


Source de la synonymie (de Adiantum odorum DC., 1815)
Derrick, L., Jermy, A. & Paul, A. 1987. Checklist of European Pteridophytes.. Sommerfeltia, 6 (1) : 1-98 : 53 [CD_REF = 959200] Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017
Source de la synonymie (de Adiantum pusillum Willd. ex Bernh., 1806)
Derrick, L., Jermy, A. & Paul, A. 1987. Checklist of European Pteridophytes.. Sommerfeltia, 6 (1) : 1-98 : 53 [CD_REF = 959200] Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017
Source de la synonymie (de Allosorus pusillus Bernh., 1806)
Derrick, L., Jermy, A. & Paul, A. 1987. Checklist of European Pteridophytes.. Sommerfeltia, 6 (1) : 1-98 : 53 [CD_REF = 959200] Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017
Source de la synonymie (de Cheilanthes fragrans auct. non Sw., 1806 p.p.)
Derrick, L., Jermy, A. & Paul, A. 1987. Checklist of European Pteridophytes.. Sommerfeltia, 6 (1) : 1-98 : 53 [CD_REF = 959200] Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017
Source de la synonymie (de Cheilanthes odora Sw., 1806)
Derrick, L., Jermy, A. & Paul, A. 1987. Checklist of European Pteridophytes.. Sommerfeltia, 6 (1) : 1-98 : 53 [CD_REF = 959200] Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017


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