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Hemionitis atreyu Christenh., 2018 [nom. illeg. superfl.]

accepté comme Oeosporangium acrosticum (Balb.) L.Sáez & Aymerich, 2017


Date de publication :
​9 février 2018

     Références : IPNI (2000-)
Nomenclature :
Nom. illeg. superfl. versus Pteris acrostica Balb., 1801 (aurait dû proposer la combinaison Hemionitis acrostica).

Nom. illeg. nom. superfl. , the epithet acrostica was available for use and should have been taken up as H.acrosticha Noronha is a nom. inval. nom. nud.


Although Christenh. cited a combination and not the earliest homotypic synonym, since it is a replaced synonym (not a basionym) the replacement name is nevertheless validly published.

     Références : IPNI (2000-)


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