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Maxillaria paniculata Ruiz & Pav., 1798

accepté comme Cyrtopodium paniculatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Garay, 1962


Date de publication : Syst. Veg. Fl. Peruv. Chil., 1: 223. 1798 [fin 12/1798, fide TL-2, 9772].
Description originale : Maxillaria paniculata.
8. M. bulbis oblongo-ovatis, foliis ensiformibus plicatis, floribus paniculatis. Flor. Per. et Chil. tom. 7.
Habitat in Pillao montibus et petrosis locis. Floret Septembri, et Octobri.
Type : Pérou, Huánuco, Pillao ["The village of Pillao is located 12 leagues north-northest of Huánuco. It lies near the eminence of a high, extensive mountain and has a mild climate by day, but the nights are cold. Hoarfrosts and freezes are not infrequent, and fogs are in the rainy season. During the dry season there is no lack of clouds and brief rains;" voir Romero-González & Carnevali, Harvard Pap. Bot., 4(1): [327-]337[-341]. 09/1999], H. Ruíz L. & J. A. Pavón s.n. [5/11] (HT: MA810747 [a; sur Global plants; photo (F neg. 29225): AMES00101473, F neg. 29225, MO-348573; dessin: fig. 3 in Caldasia, 8(40): 524. 1962; fragment: AMES]; IT: G00168581; illustration originale: n°149 [non localisée: perdue? fide Pupulin, Anal. J. Bot. Madrid, 69(1): [21-]23[-79]. 01-06/2012]).


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