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Hedysarum diphyllum L., 1753

accepté comme Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers., 1807


Source de la synonymie
Mohlenbrock, R. H. 1961. A monograph of the leguminous genus "Zornia". Webbia, 16(1): 1-141. [CD_REF = 929074] Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers., 1807
Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 2: 747. 1753 [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Type : "9. Hedysarum (diphyllum) foliis binatis petiolatis: floralibus sessilibus. Fl. zeyl. 291. * [Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. 1807 fide Dandy & Milne-Redhead 1963]
Hedysarum minus diphyllum. Sloan. jam. 73. hist. 1. p. 185 [Zornia reticulata Sm. 1818 fide Dandy & Milne-Redhead 1963]. Raj. suppl. 450.
Onobrychis maderaspatana diphyllos, siliculis clypeatis hirsutis, minor. Pluk. alm. 270. t. 246. f. 2 [Zornia gibbosa Span. 1841 fide Dandy & Milne-Redhead 1963].
Nelam-mari. Rheed. mal. 9. p. 161. t. 82. Raj. suppl. 404 [Zornia gibbosa Span. 1841 fide Dandy & Milne-Redhead 1963].
β. Hedysarum bifolium: foliolis ovatis, siliculis asperis geminis inarticulatis. Burm. zeyl. 114. t. 50. f. 1 [Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. 1807 fide Dandy & Milne-Redhead 1963].
Habitat in Indiis. ☉" [protologue].
Sri Lanka, P. Hermann s.n. (LT: BM000621551 & BM000621552 [ex hb. Hermann 2: 14, No. 291; sur Global plants; désigné par Dandy & Milne-Redhead in Kew Bull., 17(1): 73-74. 1963]).
Voir The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "Although Fawcett & Rendle (Fl. Jamaica 4: 31. 1920 [07/1920 fide TL-2, 1745]) indicated material in BM as type, they did not indicate which material (Sloane's, Hermann's etc.) they intended."


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