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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Aloysia citrodora Ortega & Paláu, 1779 [nom. inval.]

accepté comme Aloysia citrodora Paláu, 1784


Source de la synonymie
Armada, J. & Barra, A. 1992. On Aloysia Palau (Verbenaceae). Taxon, 41(1): 88-90. [CD_REF = 639101] Aloysia citrodora Paláu, 1784
Orthographe : L'orthographe originale est "citrodora". Le Code (ICN Shenzhen, Art. 60.10) indique que: "Adjectival epithets that combine elements derived from two […] Latin words are to be compounded as follows: (a) removing the case ending of the genitive singular ([…] -ae, -i, -us, -is […]) and (b) before a consonant, adding […] -i […]. Adjectival epithets not formed in accordance with this provision are to be corrected to conform with it  […].". Ici les mots "citrus" et "odorus" peuvent être composés pour donner "citrodorus, am, um", puisque le mot "odorus" ne commence pas par une consonne et que l'ajout du -i n'est donc pas obligatoire. L'orthographe originale ne doit donc pas être corrigée en "Aloysia citriodora" et doit donc être respectée.
Validité : "While we were working on the nomenclature of Aloysia, E. Muñoz Garmendia (pers. comm.) reported the existence of an anonymous booklet (6 unnumbered, printed pages including the title page) dated "Madrid MDCCLXXIX" (1779) at the Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos Library. Its full title is "Descripción de un nuevo género de planta consagrado a la Princesa de Asturias nuestra señora, y distinguido con su augusto nombre de Aloysia: añadiéndose el epíteto de Citrodora, por el exquisitísimo olor de Cidra que sí despide; y el nombre Español de Yerba de la Princesa." Its authors, probably Casimiro Gómez de Ortega (1740-1818) and Antonio Palau y Verdera (1734-1793), are cited as 'Los profesores de Botánica en el Real Jardin de esta Corte'. As the title indicates, there is a description of Aloysia citrodora. This booklet is not apparently preserved in any other library, not even that of the Real Jardín Botanico de Madrid, and is to be considered as not effectively published under Article 29 of the Code (Greuter & al., 1988)." (Armada & Barra 1992).


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