Type : "Habitat in Virginia." [protologue].
Origine inconnue (LT: illustration de "
Blitum pulchrum rectum magnum rubrum"
in Bauhin & Cherler, Hist. Pl. Univ. 2:
966. 1651 [désigné par Reveal & Jarvis, Taxon 58(3): 978. 2009]).
D'après The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "The typification of this name is somewhat complicated. Aellen (in Rechinger,
Fl. Iranica 91: 8. 1972) indicated 1174.14 (LINN) as type, but this sheet is annotated such as to link it with
A. blitum
L., of which it is the type. Various authors therefore rejected
Aellen’s choice as having been ineligible (i.e. not original material
for the name), and most have followed a neotypification by Townsend (in
Nasir & Ali,
Fl. W. Pakistan 71: 17. 1974). However,
Linnaeus’ third synonym is an account by Bauhin and Cherler, accompanied
by an illustration, which precludes the designation of a neotype.
Reveal & Jarvis have designated this figure as the lectotype."