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Panicum nossibense Steud., 1854

accepté comme Brachiaria umbellata (Trin.) Clayton, 1980


Date de publication : Syn. Pl. Glumac., 1(6): 419. 1855 [28-29/11/1854, fide TL-2, 13056].
Type : "Boivin legit in Ins. Nossibé" [protologue].
Madagascar, Prov. Antsiranana, Nosy Be, 06/1847, Boivin 1962 / s.n. (LT: P00450237 [désigné par M. Vorontsova, Candollea, 77(2): 218. 15/11/2022]; ILT: K000805712, P00450238, P00450239, US-1389878 [fragm.], W0023752).
D'après Vorontsova (2022): "Boivin’s Nosy Be collections of Brachiaria umbellata are numerous and it is not possible to verify which ones may have originally constituted a single gathering, or which exact sheet Steudel (1854) may have been referring to as “Boivin legit in Ins. Nossibé”, not citing a collection number. The more comprehensive and fully labelled sheets of these collections bear the number 1962 and a collection date of June 1847, while others only bear the printed date range 1847 – 1852. The lectotype selected here is the best quality and most extensively annotated sheet of Boivin’s herbarium."


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