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Ecastaphyllum foliosum Benth., 1840

accepté comme Dalbergia atropurpurea Ducke, 1922


Date de publication : J. Bot. (Hooker), 2(10): 64. 1840.
Orthographe : Publié comme "Ecastophyllum" orth. var.
Type : "Allied to it [Ecastophyllum pubescens] in foliage is the following new species from the same collection [I have received from the Paris Museum fine specimens, gathered in Cayenne by Martin]: - E[castophyllum]. foliosum; ramulis petiolisque ferrugineo-puberulis, foliolis 5-7 alternis ovatis oblongisve, inflorescentia subcymosa, leguminibus crassis ovato-orbiculatis glabris. The specimens are in fruit only." [protologue].
Guyane française ["Cayenne"], s.d., fruits, J. Martin s.n. (HT: K000530103 [comm. Herb. Mus. Par. 1839, ex hb. Benth.]; IT: P03105554, P03106157; IT?: P02926356 [ex hb. Lemonnier]).


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