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Sacoglottis amazonica auct. non Mart., 1827, sensu Benth., 1853

accepté comme Sacoglottis guianensis Benth., 1853


Date de publication : Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc., 5: 104. 1853.
Description originale : 1. S[acoglottis]. Amazonica (Mart. Nov. Gen. et Sp. vol. ii. p. 146); glaberrima, foliis oblongis ellipticisve acuminatis, ovario depresso-globoso 5-sulcato. — Folia 4-6-pollicaria, leviter crenata, demum crasso-coriacea. Pedunculi nunc pollice breviores, nunc 2-3-pollicares, cymis nunc laxiusculis paucifloris nunc amplis dense multifloris. Flores fere 2 lin. longi, glaberrimi. Discus (squamis bifidis) fere 10-lobus.
This, according to Mr. Spruce, is a common tree along the Amazon, about Santarem and Obidos, on the margins of moist forests, and known to the Brazilians under the name of Uaxuà. Martius found it on one of the channels of the same river, and Gardner's specimens, n. 3047, from the province of Goyaz, appear to belong to the same species. The young leaves are of a deep red. The peduncles vary much in length; Martius describes them as of the length of the petioles. I have never seen them so short as that, although they are sometimes not much longer, whilst some are full three inches long. In other respects Martius's description agrees well. The fruit is said to be good eating.
Some of Mr. Spruce's specimens have several of the flowers transformed into ovate coloured leaves, about 5 lines long, so as to give to the cyme the appearance when fresh of a bunch of two or three small double pink roses.
Type : Brésil, Pará, Santarém, 08/1850, fleurs. "Frequent on margin of moist forests, Santarem; I also saw much of it at Obidos, an./50; spreading tree of 30 ft., young leaves deep red, petals whitish-green, anthers yellow, fruits said to be very good eating 'uaxua,'" R. Spruce 1009 (K [ex hb. Benth.; paratype de Sacoglottis guianensis f. glabra Cuatrec. 1961!], P04693198, S-R-9879 [sur Global plants], TCD0003837).
Brésil, Goiás, G. Gardner 3047 (P04693203, P04693204).


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