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Sacoglottis guianensis Benth., 1853


Date de publication : Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc., 5: 104. 1853.
Description originale : 2. S[acoglottis] Guianensis, sp. n.; ramulis inflorescentiaque puberulis, foliis oblongo-ellipticis breviter acuminatis, ovario ovato-globoso vix sulcato.
From British Guiana (Rob; Schomburgk, 2nd coll. n. 574, Rich. Schomburgk, n. 842). It is certainly very near to S. Amazonica, but besides the leaves being usually shorter in proportion to their breadth, and the pubescent inflorescence, the flowers are considerably smaller, the filaments broader, the disc consists of five nearly distinct truncate scales, and the ovary, scarcely furrowed, is more gradually attenuated into a much shorter style. The fruit is unknown.
Type : Guyana, prob. "Roraima, 10/09-05/12/1842" [fide van Dam, Fl. Guianas, Suppl. ser., 3: 118. 2002], R.H. Schomburgk II.574 [= M.R. Schomburgk 842] (ST: B [détruit; photo: F neg. 12599], G00368591, NY00388405, K000407314 [ex hb. Benth.], P04693138, P04693139, P01903250, V0060789F).


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