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Cordia aubletii DC., 1845

accepté comme Varronia tomentosa Lam., 1792


Date de publication : Prodr., 9: 490-491. 1845 [01/01/1845, fide TL-2, 999].
Description originale : 108. C[ordia]. Aubletii, ramis teretibus glabris, ramulis petiolis pedunculisque hirtellis, foliis ovatis ovalibusve utrinque acuminatis dentato-serratis supra sparse hirtellis subtus hirsuto-canescentibus, petiolis basi subgeniculatis, spicis terminalibus cylindraceis crassis obtusis confertifloris, calycibus inflatis minute puberulis. ♄. in Guianâ gallicâ (4). Varronia Martinicensis Aubl. guian. 232 non Jacq. Varronia Guianensis Desv.? et Cordia Guianensis Roem. et Sch. ex syn. Aubl. sed forte spec. diversae. Nostra Martinicensi proxima sed folia subtus canescentia, petioli basi geniculati, etc. (1). (v. s. comm. a cl. Perrottet.)
(4) Et ad Surinam legit Hostmann! 877 in h. Boiss. (Alph. DC.)
(1) C. Bahiensi nimis proxima. Speciminibus attente collatis diversitatem unicam reperi, nempe folia in praesenti subtus molliter pubescentia pilis brevibus incanescentibus, nec scabro-pilosa. (Alph. DC.)
Taxonomie : D'après I.M. Johnston (J. Arnold Arbor., 16(1): 42-43. 25/01/1935): "There must remain some question as to the proper disposition of the name Cordia Aubletii DC. The plant actually described by DeCandolle is Perrottet (no. 211), which represents C. tomentosa. The reference by DeCandolle to "Varronia Martinicensis Aubl. guian. 232 [Hist. Pl. Guiane, 1: 232. 06-12/1775, fide TL-2, 206] non Jacq.", which might stand as the basis for the name chosen by him, is quite ambiguous. Aublet quoted a name and a descriptive phrase from Jacquin which apply to a West Indian species. The several lines of discussion by Aublet, concerning the fragrance of the herbage, the color of the fruit, the vernacular name and the local uses of the plant, in fact all the original data, all apply to C. macrostachya Jacq. Consequently if the name C. Aubletii is taken as founded upon the reference to Aublet's work, the species justly should become a synonym of C. macrostachya. I have preferred, however, to associate the name C. Aubletii with DeCandolle's specimen from Perrottet and the description of that specimen published in the Prodromus. It may be further noted that the specimen of Hostmann 877, which the younger DeCandolle, in a foot-note, cited as representing C. Aubletii, is in fact representative of C. Schomburgkii."
Type : S. loc. [probablement Guyane française, région de Cayenne], 1820, G.S. Perrottet 211 (LT: G00146889 [ex hb. DC.; photo: F neg. 7739; désigné -de manière invalide?- par I.M. Johnston, J. Arnold Arbor., 16(1): 42-43. 25/01/1935 fide p. de garde]).


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