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Sophia carolina L., 1775

accepté comme Pachira aquatica Aubl., 1775


Date de publication : Pl. Surin.: 11-12. 1775 [23/06/1775, fide TL-2, 4848].
Type : Suriname, s. loc., C.G. Dahlberg s.n. [27] (LT: LINN 865.1 [désigné par Barrie in Jarvis & al. (ed.), Regnum Veg., 127: 89. 1993]).
Voir The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project. Voir aussi P.L.R. de Moraes (Phytotaxa, 41(1): 43. 2012). D'après Moraes (l. c.): "The corresponding entries in Dahlberg’s Catalogus are the numbers 27 and 48. Under entry number 27, Dahlberg indicated the vernacular name 'Sergeants', transcribed by Alm as 'Bergnaut', and by Linnaeus filius as 'Sergeant'."


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