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Psychotria alba Ruiz & Pav., 1799

accepté comme Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq., 1760


Date de publication : Fl. Peruv. 2: 58-59, t. 205, f. b. 1799 [09/1799 fide TL-2, 9771].
Taxonomie : D'après C.M. Taylor (2015, Studies in American Rubiaceae): "This name has been accepted by some authors, including Standley (Rub. Ecuador, 1931; Fl. Peru, 1936; followed by Taylor, various Peruvian floras), who applied it to plants from wet lowland and premontane vegetation and separated this species from Psyhcotria carthagenensis. This name as also been synonymized with Psychotria carthagenensis by some authors, including Hamilton (in sched.). The type specimen matches Psychotria carthagenensis as circumscribed here and thus is a synonym of that name, while the plants treated by Standley as Psychotria alba match those he described as Psychotria pichisensis and are here included in that species."
Type : "Andium montibus nemorosis per Pozuzo, Muña, et Chinchao tractus. Floret Junio, Julio, et Augusto." [protologue].
Pérou, Huánuco, Pozuzo, Muña, et Chinchao, 1778-1788, fleurs, H. Ruíz L. & J. A. Pavón s.n. (ST: BW04063010, BC873099, F0041033F ["613", ex MA], F0041034F [ex G], F0041035F [ex MA], G00436491, G00436492 ["493"], G00436493, MA815940, MA815941, MA815942, MA815943, MA815944, MA815945, MA815946, MA817367, MA817371, MA818130, MPU019019; illustration originale: MA).


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