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Strychnos toxifera R.H. Schomb. ex Benth., 1841

accepté comme Strychnos toxifera R.H.Schomb. ex Lindl., 1838


Date de publication : J. Bot. (Hooker), 3(21): 240-241. 1841 [02/1841, fide TL-2, 3004,voir aussi p. 225]. Voir aussi Benth., Icon. Pl., 4: t. 364-365. 1841 [06/07-06/08/1841, TL-2, 3006, voir p. 295].
Type : "British Guiana, Schomburgk, . 155. - This plant furnishes the celebrated Wourali poison, referred to by M. Schomburgk in the narrative of his expedition." [protologue].


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