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Strychnos toxifera R.H.Schomb. ex Lindl., 1838


Date de publication : Fl. Med. 530. 1838 [07-12/1838, fide TL-2, 4652].
Type : "1118. S. toxifera Schomb. MSS. - Guayana. [...] This plant has been ascertained by Mr. Schomburgk to furnish the basis of a celebrated poison, called Wooraly, Woorari, Ourari, or Urari, in Guayana. According to Dr. Hancock, the bark, applied externay, is a good remedy for foul ulcers; in his opinion it is one of the most potent sedatives in nature, and, coud it be safely managed, would no doubt become a valuabe remedial agent in the treatment of convulsive and spasmodic disorders. Med. Gaz. xx. 281 [London Medical Gazette, 20: 281. 1837]." [protologue].
Guyana, Essequibo, Kanuku Mountains, R. Schomburgk 155 (HT: K).


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