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Pleurothallis garciae Luer, 1999

accepté comme Acianthera garciae (Luer) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, 2001


Date de publication : Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard., 76: 173-174, f. 27a. 1999 [11/1999].
Etymologie : "Named for Carlos García E. of Caracas, Venezuela, who collected this species."
Type : "Venezuela: Carabobo: Rio San Gián, south of Borburata, alt. 350-500 m, 7-8 Aug. 1965, J.A. Steyermark 94334 (Holotype: AMES; Isotype: VEN). Falcón: Sierra de San Luis, rain forest near Curimagua, Dec. 1959, collected by C. García, G.C.K. Dunsterville 536 (SEL, MO). Without locality, sterile, 1854-56, A. Fendler 2445 (K).
Probably first collected by Fendler in the nineteenth century, this long-repent species is apparently endemic in the coastal mountains of northwestern Venezuela. Dunsterville's illustration in Venezuelan Orchids Illustrated was misidentified as P. consimilis Ames which is conspecific with P. yauaperyensis. This species is distinguished from the latter by broader, shallowly cordate leaves; a larger, solitary flower with a long, spathulate, dorsal sepal; and a synsepal that is convex and pubescent above the middle. The lip is minutely serrate, and the calli are smooth." [protologue].
Venezuela, Carabobo, Río San Gián, 5-6 km S of Borburata, 350-500 m, 07-08/08/1965, fleurs. J.A. Steyermark 94334 (HT: AMES; IT: VEN).
Venezuela, Falcón, Sierra de San Luis, rain forest near Curimagua, Dec. 1959, collected by C. García, G.C.K. Dunsterville 536 (PT: SEL, MO, illustration).
Venezuela, s. loc., 1854-56, sterile, A. Fendler 2445 (PT: K).


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