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Pleurothallis barberiana Rchb.f., 1881

accepté comme Andreettaea barberiana (Rchb.f.) Karremans, 2023


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., n.s., 16(392): 6. 1881 [02/07/1881].
Description originale : Pleurothallis (Apodae caespitosae) Barberiana, n. s. [...] Folii lamina elliptica acuta dorso carinata crassa elliptica acuta bene petiolata; pedunculo capillari multoties longiori racemoso (ad 5-floro); sepalis lanceis aristatis, hinc ciliatis; tepalis duplo brevioribus semilanceis aristatis serratis; labello cuneato oblongo clavato obtuso solido, ante unguem utrinque unidentato; columna apice utrinque obtusangula, postice medio acutangula, anthera pyramidata. H. G. Rchb. f. [...]
A lovely little thing, imported by Mr. Low, no doubt from tropical Southern America. It is a slender beauty of uncommon delicacy. The secondary stems are short, and bear a very small thick leaf, with a long petiolar base and a small elliptical acute lamina, which is keeled beneath, hence nearly trigonous. A capillary peduncle bears as many as five apparently variously coloured flowers, and exceeds four to five times the leaf in length. The lanceolate aristate sepals are free altogether, ciliate, light ochre, with fine dark purple blotches. The smaller, whitish petals are lightest ochre-coloured and serrate. The lip forms a cuneate oblong-clavate body, similar to the lip of some Cypripedia, as Mr. J. Barber well suggests, but with two small upright teeth in front of the claw. This lovely thing belongs to the zephyrean company of P. macroblepharis and balaeniceps. It was introduced by Mr. H. Low, and then discovered in the stores at Upper Clapton by Mr. J. Barber, who took the gem over to Old Hall. This gentleman appreciates the smallest Orchid from a scientific point de vue. I hope, therefore, that the dedication of such a graceful plant will not be unwelcome as an acknowledgment of much kind assistance. H. G. Rchb. f.
Statut biogéographique : Cremers & Hoff (1992, p. 85) rapportent que selon E.A. Christenson (publié dans la Flora of the Guianas, Newsletter n°3): "Pleurothallis aristata Hooker: les spécimens de Guyane sont en fait P. barberiana Reichenbach f. au sens de Dunsterville & Garay."
Type : Origine inconnue, importé par H. Low, trouvé par J. Barber dans un magasin à Upper Clatpon, et cultivé à Old Hall, 05/1881, fleurs, J. Barber s.n. (HT: W [dessin; ex hb. Rchb.f.-Orch.-25696; photo: pl. 339-340 in Szlachetko et al. 2012; analyse florale (par A. Król): fig. 284 in Szlachetko et al. 2012]).


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