Type : "Habitat in Brasilia." [protologue].
Origine inconnue (LT:
LINN 1141.13 [désigné par Wijnands in Bot. Commelins:
96. 1983]).
D'après Maya-Lastra
et al. (Phytotaxa, 346(1):
21-22. 2018): "Webster & Huft (1988) suggested that the holotype is in the Hortus Cliffortianus Herbarium, but according to
The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project (Jarvis 1992) the type is
LINN 1141.13. The lectotype was chosen by Wijnands (1983), but it does not correspond to the circumscription of the species as it has been interpreted for more than two hundred years. In order for this name to continue to be used as it has been traditionally done, it will have to be conserved with a new type, and we are preparing a proposal to do so. In Herbarium Cliffortianum (
BM000647405) there is a specimen that does represent the current concept of this species and could serve as nomenclatural type."