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Aristolochia trilobata L., 1753


Type : Linné a basé A. trilobata sur deux éléments:
(1) "Aristolochia folio hederaco trifido, maximo flore, radice repente" de Plumier [description (mais pas d'illustration!!) étudiée en 1738 dans le Codex de Boerhaave]. Plante originaire des Antilles.
(2) "Ambuyaembo" de Markgraf [description et figure étudiés in Hist. Rer. Nat. Bras. p. 15. 1648]. Plante originaire de l'est du Brésil.
Jarvis (13/05/2004, in Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project) commente: "Pfeifer (in Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 53: 144. 1966) indicated 1071.1 LINN as type, and was followed by e.g. González (in Fl. Colombia 12: 127. 1990), Feuillet & Poncy (in Fl. Guianas, ser. A, 20: 17. 1998) and Rankin (in Fl. Republ. Cuba,, ser. A, 1(2): 18. 1998). However, Rankin & Greuter (in Taxon 48: 686-687. 1999) conclude that both specimens on the sheet are post-1753 additions (one from von Rohr, the other from Rolander) and hence ineligible as types. Overlooking the existence of Marggraf's illustration, they designate a neotype (having dismissed Pfeifer's statement as a neotypification because he did not distinguish between the two specimens on the sheet). However, their choice is inadmissable."
Jarvis conclut que le lectotype doit être:
Brésil, Bahia, figure de Markgraf, in Hist. Rer. Nat. Bras. p. 15. 1648.


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