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Orobanche beauverdii Uhlich & Rätzel, 2021


Description : (18–) 25–50 (–70) cm tall, robust, hapaxanthic? Stem simple (unbranched) with c. 8 –10 protruding longitudinal ribs, yellowish-reddish to pale fleshcolored, rarely pinkish or uniformly yellowish, basally up to 17mm in diam. (but unlike O. laserpitii-sileris the base is often not conspicuously thickened), in the middle part c. 11–12mm in diam., sparsely to numerous scaly, upwards only sparsely so, with numerous curly glandular hairs; glands c. 0.6-1.3mm long. Scales basally short to elongated broadly-triangular, above ground tongue-shaped (and not short-pointed to broad-lanceolate), c. 6–8 × 25 –30mm, the middle vein abaxially indistinct. Inflorescence in full anthesis lax or at least loosened up in the lower part, up to 18cm long, c. (18–) 25 –45 (– 60)-flowered, shorter than the remaining stem (peduncle + axis). Bracts c. 22–30mm long, usually distinctly longer than the corolla, in fresh state erect, ± rigid [apical not early curling], in full bloom c. in the middle part deflected, indistinctly 3–7-veined, numerous glandular hairy (hairs c. 0.4mm long). Calyx segments free, only slightly broadened at its base, giving an overall “weak” appearance, clearly unequally 2-toothed, teeth very narrow, distally long filiform, up to 20mm long (of which approx. 5mm have grown together), in lower part 3-, upwards 1-veined, with numerous stalked, capitate glandular hairs (the longest glands at the calyx teeth margins with 1.2–1.6mm, on the surface something shorter, with reddishbrown gland heads). Corolla (16 –) 22–24 (–26)mm long, obliquely erect (basal and in the lower part dorsally accumbent and initially almost parallel to the stem, only in the upper part curved outwards), inside and outside ± equally colored, yellowish reddish, distinctly darker veined, outside ± densely glandular-hairy, glands basal without colored cells, inside at least in the distal area (especially in the upper corolla) scattered glandular-hairy (up to 0.4mm long). Lobes of the upper lip broad, rounded, at margin irregularly coarsely serrate-incised, porrect or erect; lobes of the lower lip rounded or ovate-rounded, c. 3mm in diam., at margin also irregularly serrate-incised. Filaments inserted 2– 4mm above the base of the corolla tube, very dense and long yellowish woolly to below the anthers by multicellular hairs, in the uppermost ¼ loosened (hairs 0.5 –0.6mm long, the longest up to 1.5mm), in the upper part with scattered glands (with short ‒ up to 0.05mm ‒ or without pedicels). Anthers bright ivory to yellowish-brownish, elongate, 2.3 –2.5mm long (including a 0.3-0.5mm long whitish tip) and c. 1.2–1.4mm wide, along suture numerous short white hairy (hairs 0.1–0.2mm long). Style pale, below the stigma reddish, c. 8 –10mm long (c. as long as the ovary), sparse short glandular hairy (c. 0.05 – 0.15mm), especially below the stigma. Stigma yellow, the lobes orbicular, fine papillose. Ovary c. 8 –10mm long, slender, gradually narrowed towards its apex into the base of the style, in the upper part especially in the abaxially surface sparse glandular hairy, furthermore glabrous. Capsule in dry state brown to dark brown, longitudinally dehiscent. Seeds brown to amber colored when ripe, different sizes and irregularly shaped, mostly ovate, something longer than wide, c. 0.2–0.4 (– 0.5)mm long, the surface with reticulate anticlinal cell walls.
     Références : Uhlich & Rätzel (2021)
Diagnose : Orobanche beauverdii differs from O. laserpitii-sileris mainly by the larger distances between the stem ribs (especially visible when dry), by the wider stem scales (especially at the stem base), by the more lax and hardly comose inflorescence in full anthesis, with less flowers, by the broader and not long attenuate bracts, by the narrower and longer calyx segments, by the more erect (rather adaxially adpressed), outside and inside concolourous corollas, by the lower inserted, higher up, longer and more densely haired stamens, by the different host spectrum and by the ability to grow also on siliceous substrates.
     Références : Uhlich & Rätzel (2021)
Type : Typus: Gemäß Art. 7.4. ICN (Turland et al. 2018) wird der neue Name O. beauverdii Uhlich & Rätzel durch den Typus des ersetzten Synonyms, O. gallica Beauverd, charakterisiert: „Parasite sur les Laserpitium gallicum, Orcières, 1700 m” [manu Beauverd], [Mitte 08.1932, Goutaland, Luzzatto, Jouglard & G. Beauverd s. n.] (G00383346, Abb. 4, 5).
     Références : Uhlich & Rätzel (2021)


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