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Rommelaarsia flavovirens Baral, Tanchaud & Romm., 2015


Etymologie : "referring to the greenish-yellow pigment in the apothecia and conidiomata."
Holotype : "FRANCE: Poitou-Charentes, department Charente-Maritime, 20 km S of Rochefort, 3 km WSW of Sainte-Gemme, W-border of village La Grande Vergne, 45°45’45’’ N, 0°55’37’’ W, 26 m a.s.l., previous year’s stems of Equisetum arvense, 5. & 16.V.2015, leg. P. Tanchaud (M-0276613, ex H.B. 9951, holotype; P.T. 20150506, isotype; FH 00304335, isotype). – THE NETHERLANDS: province of Groningen, 30 km NW of Groningen, 2.8 km S of Lauwersoog, Ballastplaat, 53°22’48’’ N, 6°12’45’’ E, -1 m a.s.l., previous year’s fertile stems of Equisetum arvense, 11.V.2012, leg. L. Rommelaars (ex H.B. 9684, paratype; FH 00304334, paratype, L.R. 12-058, paratype)."


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