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Chenopodium sect. Pseudoblitum Syme, 1868

accepté comme Oxybasis sect. Pseudoblitum (Mosyakin) Mosyakin, 2013


Nomenclature : D'après Mosyakin serait un nom. illeg. superfl. (voir p. 3) 
     Références : Mosyakin (2013)
Nomenclature : The name Chenopodium sect. Pseudoblitum proposed by Syme (l.c.) is explicitly based on the illegitimate subgeneric name of Grenier and Godron, but Syme also included in this section C. bonus-henricus , in addition to C. rubrum and C. glaucum L„ despite the available sectional name Blitum sect. Agathophyton Moq. (in DC., Prodr. 13, 2: 84. 1849.).
     Références : Mosyakin (2013)


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