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Chenopodium subg. Pseudoblitum Gren., 1855

accepté comme Oxybasis sect. Pseudoblitum (Mosyakin) Mosyakin, 2013


Autorité : C'est Grenier qui a rédigé la chapitre concernant les Salsolaceae
Nomenclature : D'après Mosyakin serait un nom. illeg. superfl. (voir p. 3)
     Références : Mosyakin (2013)
Nomenclature : Fuentes-Bazan et al. (2012b) attributed the name Chenopodium subgen. Pseudoblitum to Grenier and Godron. Flowever, when describing their subgenus (as Pseudo-Blitum ), Grenier and Godron (1. c.) included in it two species, Chenopodium rubrum and C. bonus-henricus L. The last one is the type of Orthosporum C.A Mey. subgen. Agathophytum T. Nees (Gen. PI. FI. Germ., t. 57. 1835.) based on the illegitimate generic name Agathophytum Moq. (Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 2, 1: 291.1834), often erroneously cited as " Agathophyton ", a synonym of Anserina Dumort. (FI. Belg: 21. 1827), which makes the name proposed by Grenier and Godron illegitimate because of the availability of an earlier subgeneric name
     Références : Mosyakin (2013)
Orthographe : Pseudo-blitum corrigé en Pseudoblitum
Type : Type (designated by Mosyakin in Ukrayins’k. Bot. Zhurn. 50(6): 74. 1993): C. rubrum L. (Blitum rubrum (L.) Rchb.).

     Références : Fuentes-bazan et al. (2012)


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