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Aretia tomentosa (Clairv.) Hegetschw., 1822

accepté comme Androsace argentea (C.F.Gaertn.) Lapeyr., 1813


Taxonomie : In the second edition of Suter’s Flora Helvetica (Suter 1822), Joannes Hegetschweiler-Bodmer seems to be the first author providing a description for Aretia tomentosa. He cited both “Androsaces imbricatae var. b Dec” and “Ar.[etia] argentea Gaertn. et La Peyr.” as synonyms. The first refers to var β in Lamarck & de Candolle, Flore Française (ed. 3) where de Candolle cited a variety of Androsace imbricata using the following expression “β. Aretia tomentosa. Schleich. Cent. exs. n.22”. The second citation links to Aretia argentea C.F.Gaertn. (1806) and to Androsace argentea (C.F.Gaertn.) Lapeyr. (1813). Hegetschweiler-Bodmer provided a precise locality “Ab Tsermatten in Valesia”, and, in addition to a description, a diagnosis separating this taxa from Aretia helvetica. This diagnosis clearly states “furcatis omnibus in illa” [hairs always furcate in that one]. This binomial clearly refers to the Vandellii-Argentea morphotype. Despite lacking a direct link to Clairville’s name, the ascription to Schleicher – as well as the fulfilment of conditions for valid new name publication – implies that we can treat this binomial as a new combination based on Clairville’s Androsace tomentosa (see Art. 41.4 of ICN (McNeill et al. 2012)), Clairville being the first one to use the epithet “tomentosa” in a legitimate way (i.e. with a valid description of the species).

     Références : Dentant et al. (2018)


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