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Pennathrips bournierorum Goldarazena, Michel & Mound, 2021


Localité type : New Caledonia, Mont Nondoue (approx. -22.1498, 166.3833), 110 m altitude.
Matériel type : Holotype female, New Caledonia, Mont Nondoue (approx. -22.1498, 166.3833), 110 m altitude, taken by fogging in sclerophilous forest 3.vii.1992 (Chazeau et al.), #JBOU3504, in Insect Collection, CIRAD CBGP Montpellier, France.
Paratypes: 9 females, 6 taken with holotype, #JBOU3505 to JBOU3513 and JBOU3515 to JBOU3520. New Caledonia, Rivière bleue P7 (-22.10329, 166.70251), 1 female, 1 male taken by fogging in dense forest, 21.vii.1992 (Chazeau et al.), #JBOU3514, JBOU3521; Farino Cascade, 1 female from dead twigs, 15.iv.2012 (in ANIC); Mt Do, 1 female beaten from vegetation, 16.iv.2012 (in ANIC). Paratypes will be deposited the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, and the Natural History Museum, London.


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