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Microananteris inselberg Lourenço, 2021


Diagnose : "Total length, including telson 13.90 mm (see Table 1). Anterior margin of carapace straight. Large pectines with 10-10 teeth. Spiracles with a semi-oval shape. Telson more elongate without granulations, almost smooth. Dorsal carinae of metasomal segments II-IV with weakly to moderately marked spinoid granules. Trichobothria: Eb2,3 of chela hand in a proximal position; dt of fixed finger distal in relation to et and est; d5 trichobothrium of patella very close to the internal face; femur trichobotrium d5 slightly distal in relation to e1."
Etymologie : "The specific name is placed in apposition to the generic name and refers to the Mitaraka Inselberg where the new species was found."


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