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Russula vinosoflavescens J.M.Trendel & F.Hampe, 2017


Distribution : "Known only from six sites (9 collections) in Northern Alsace (France)"
Ecologie : "Under deciduous trees, associated with Carpinus betulus, or Quercus (Q. robur or Q. petraea), or both (possibly also with Fagus sylvatica), in a rather wet environment (possibly periodically drier), on more or less argillaceous soils, neutral to superficially slightly acidic, usually nutrient-rich with a rather high base saturation level (calcium-rich), with mesotrophic to eutrophic mull humus."
Etymologie : "Referring to the purplish-red wine-coloured (vinoso) cap and the tendency of the cap to become brown-yellowish or ochraceous (flavescens) as well as when handling the stipe"
Identification : "Differs from Russula persicina by its colour range, its mild or only slightly acrid taste, its reticulate spore ornamentation, and the presence of granular pigments in cuticular hyphae."


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