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Lagenophora sublyrata (Cass.) A.R.Bean & Jian Wang ter, 2019


Altitude : "recorded from 50 m to 1200 m above sea level but is usually growing at medium altitudes (400–600 m a.s.l.)."
Distribution : "Lagenophora sublyrata is the most widespread species in the genus ranging from India and Sri Lanka to south-east Asia (e.g. Vietnam), China, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia (e.g. Java), New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand. In New Caledonia, it has a widespread distribution (Fig. 4) on mainland Grande-Terre with only one old specimen on the outer island of Île des Pins (if the Pancher locality is correct)."
Habitat : "It mainly inhabits the wet grounds of rainforests or rainforests margins though some specimens are collected in more open conditions (e.g. Franc 486, Lannuzel 348, MacKee 33612& 35947). The species seems to avoid soils derived from ultramafic substrate, except for Compton 574 which was recorded on ultramafic outcrop"


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