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Lagenophora sinuosa Lannuzel, Gâteblé & Jian Wang ter, 2021


Distribution : "Lagenophora sinuosa is an endemic species to New Caledonia. It grows only on mainland Grande Terre from the southern tip to Kaala-Gomen as the northernmost locality."
Etymologie : "The specific epithet sinuosa refers to the sinuate leaf margins, by which the species differs from L. sublyrata. Some immature plants or populations bear crenate leaves in natural conditions, but showed ability to produce deeply lobed leaves in greenhouse conditions."
Habitat : "As with L. sublyrata, the species has a relatively broad altitudinal distribution ranging from 2 to 1000 m above sea level (Fig. 2). It inhabits the wet forests and open scrublands (maquis minier), mainly on serpentinic alluvium but has been recorded also on peridotitic derived soils at higher altitude and on vertisols at low altitudes."


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