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Ouratea saulensis Sastre, 1993


Taxonomie : D'après Sastre (1993): "Ouratea saulensis is morphologically similar to O. ferruginea Engler from the Amazon and Orinoco River basins, O. verruculosa Engler from the upper Rio Negro, and O. fasciculata Maguire & Steyerm. from Guyana. Because the new species has its sepals united into 2-4 parts, I place it in section Kaieteuria (Dwyer) Sastre (Sastre, 1988). These other species of Ouratea, all with free sepals, belong to section Ouratea. In section Kaieteuria, O. saulensis is the only species with serrate leaf margins and can be separated from the Guianan species of the section also by its caducous sepals. Until now, only species of this section from Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil were known to have caducous sepals. Ouratea saulensis also differs from O. ferruginea by its glabrous stems, from O. verruculosa by its glabrous stems and by serrate (not serrulate) leaf margins, and from O. fasciculata by its obovate (not elliptic to oblong) leaf blades."


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