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Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845


Distribution : Elle est signalée de France sous le nom d’erythromelas (Dours 1874, Buysson 1895, de Gaulle 1908, Berland & Bernard 1938, Cleu 1953, Raingeard 1998), de Chrysis integra sicula Abeille (Linsenmaier 1959) ou C. integra ornata Smith (Linsenmaier 1997). Cette espèce a fait l’objet de confusion par le passé (Rosa & Vardal 2015). Les signalements français devraient donc être confirmés.
     Références : Berland & Bernard (1938) , Buysson (1895) , Cleu (1953) , Dours (1873) , Gaulle (1908) , Linsenmaier (1959) , Linsenmaier (1997) , Raingeard (1998)
Taxonomie : Rosa & Vardal (2015) : For a long time, C. erythromelas has been considered as a variety of C. viridula Linnaeus, 1761 by the most important authors (Mocsáry 1889: 444; Dalla Torre 1892: 108; Trautmann 1927: 165; Berland and Bernard 1938: 107). Kimsey and Bohart (1991: 424) synonymised it with C. integra Fabricius, 1787. Without following the Principle of Priority, Linsenmaier (1951: 101) considered C. erythromelas as a variety of C. cylindrica Eversmann, 1857. Later Linsenmaier (1959: 132) placed C. erythromelas in relation with C. integra ssp. sicula Abeille de Perrin, 1877, but he was not sure about the correct relationship: “Der Name erythromelas Dahlbom 1845 bezieht sich auf diese Spezies, doch kann ich nicht beurteilen, ob er als Synonym zu integra Nominatform aufzufassen ist, oder ob er an Stelle von ssp. sicula zu treten hätte (er wurde nach einem ♀ ohne Patria aufgestellt, auch ohne sichere Geschlechts-Bestimmung)”. Finally Linsenmaier (1997a: 277) synonymised C. sicula with C. ornata Smith, 1851; but this synonym is in error, since C. ornata is described from England and it is related to C. viridula Linnaeus s. str.. C. integra and related forms are distributed only in the Mediterranean area. The name C. erythromelas was even used to identify other species belonging to the C. viridula group. For example Invrea (1920: 417; 1921: 344) identified the females of C. pulcherrima Lepeletier, 1806 as C. bidentata var. erythromelas. The examination of the holotype confirms that C. erythromelas is the first available name for the species named C. sicula Abeille de Perrin, 1877 or C. integra ssp. ornata Smith, 1851 sensu Linsenmaier (1997a) and widely distributed in northern Africa (see the material housed in the Linsenmaier collection) and in Sicily. 
     Références : Rosa & Vårdal (2015)


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