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Epidendrum dichotomum Lindl., 1838 non C. Presl, 1827

accepté comme Epidendrum ecostatum Pabst, 1956


Date de publication : Edwards's Bot. Reg., 24: Misc. 79. 1838 [10/1838, voir p. 73 & 81].
Description originale : 146. Epidendrum dichotomum.
E. dichotomum; fruticosum, caule fruticoso decumbente filiformi dichotomo, foliis angustè lanceolatis acutissimis corymbo terminali longioribus, sepalis lineari-lanceolatis, petalis conformibus angustioribus, labello cuniculato cordato obtusiusculo basi bicalloso.
A green-flowered species obtained from Demerara by Messrs. Loddiges, and found in the Organ Mountains of Brazil by Mr. Gardner, (No. 631.) It has no beauty, but is remarkable for its hard, wiry, forking stem.
Homonymie : non Epidendrum dichotomum C.Presl, Reliq. Haenk., 1(2): 101. 07-12/1827, fide TL-2, 8293 [= Epidendrum secundum Jacq. 1760] (Pérou, Huanuco, T.P.X. Haenke)!


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