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Philoctetes micans (Klug, 1835)


Distribution : Mentionned by Dours (1874). This record does not appear in any other work on French fauna nor any work on Chrysididae. Thus, the french mention seems dubious. Since Dours’s collection is lost and because of the inaccuracy of Dours’s works, it is better to treat this record as a mistake. Also, Kimsey & Bohart (1991) list this species from France because they believe that type locality of Holopyga cicatrix Abeille (junior synonym) is France. Unfortunately, Holopyga cicatrix was just an unnecessary replacement name for Holopyga micans Klug, without associated types, and Abeille (1879) precise that he only knows this species through specimens from Spain (including type). Currently this species is only recorded from North Africa and Iberian Peninsula (Linsenmaier 1999).
     Références : Abeille de Perrin (1879) , Dours (1873) , Kimsey & Bohart (1990) , Linsenmaier (1999)


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