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Grevillea nepwiensis Majourau & Pillon, 2020


Diagnose : "This species resembles Grevillea gillivrayi from which it differs by its consistently bright red flowers (versus pale pink, pale yellow, orange, pink or red) and the inflorescence axis, pedicels and perianth covered externally with a red indumentum (red felty hair versus white sericeous hair). Its inflorescences are terminal or ramiflorous, but not axillary along leafy stem portion on long vertical axes."
Distribution : "only known in the Pouembout region on Plateau de Tia, Kopeto, Paéoua and Boulinda"
Etymologie : "named after the village of Nepoui (Nepwi in the local Paicî language) located at the center of the distribution of this species."
Habitat : "in pristine to degraded shrubland on ultramafic substrates between 400 and 1000 m elevation"
Type : NEW CALEDONIA. Northern Province : Kopeto, crête est du Mont Vert, 800 m, 8 July 1970, MacKee 22218 (holo-: P02363429! ; iso-: P02363428!, NOU035905!).


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