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Phyllanthus caroliniensis var. antillanus Müll.Arg., 1863


Date de publication : Linnaea, 32(1): [35-]36. 1863 [03/1863, fide TL-2, 10744, voir p. 198].
Description originale : 130. Ph. carolinensis. Walt. Flor. Carolin. p. 228; Ph. obovatus Muehlenbg.
β. antillanus, caule elatiore validiore patule ramoso, ramulis validioribus leviter compressis, foliis oblongo-obovatis laxiusculis pallidioribus. - In Martinica (Sieb. hb. fl. Martin. Suppl. n. 10!).
Distribution : Endémique des Petites Antilles: Antigua, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Dominique, Martinique (Webster, J. Arnold Arbor., 37(4): 349-350. 15/10/1956).
Taxonomie : Variété subordonnée à Phyllanthus caroliniensis subsp. guianensis (Klotzsch) G.L.Webster 1955 par Webster (J. Arnold Arbor., 37(4): 349-350. 15/10/1956): "This plant is the Antillean representative of the South American ssp. guianensis, agreeing with var. guianensis in the stipules and male flowers and hardly differing in anything more than leaf shape. On Martinique var. antillanus occurs together with ssp. caroliniensis which has presumably been introduced; there is no evidence that intergradation has occurred, but no careful field studies have been made."
Type : Martinique, fleurs et fruits, F.W. Sieber hb. Fl. Martinic. Suppl. 10 (ST: L.2252757, M0264678 [sur Global plants]).


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