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Hafnia alvei Møller, 1954


Environnement : bactérie commensale du tractus gastro-intestinal humain et normalement non pathogène.
Etymologie : "The specific epithet in the name Hafnia alvei is derived from the Latin noun alveus, meaning beehive, with “alvei” meaning “of a beehive.” Ewing (33) questioned the epithet “alvei,” stating that the name implied that these bacteria had something to do with bees or beehives although they did not. However, H. alvei has been recovered on occasion from the intestines of honeybees (Apis mellifera) as well as from honey, and several of these strains are included in the BCCM (Brussels,Belgium) collection (125). The genus name Hafnia is the historical name (Havn) for the city of Copenhagen, Denmark (122)."

     Références : Janda & Abbott (2006)
Importance économique : Bactérie utilisée comme ferment lactique par l'industrie laitière, et plus récemment comme un probiotique (inclus dans un produit de complément alimentaire pour la régulation de l'appétit et la perte de poids).


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