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Sorbus hybrida var. thuringiaca Nyman, 1879

accepté comme Hedlundia x thuringiaca (Nyman) Sennikov & Kurtto, 2017


Lectotype : Type: Germany. Thuringia: ”Walperholz bei Arnstadt”, 1868, Wiessner (LUX No. 7156 A, lectotype designated by Velebil & Businský (2016: 353); isolectotype JE)
     Références : Sennikov & Kurtto (2017)
Validité : Nyman published the name as: “Sorbus hybrida var. Pyrus thuringiaca Ilse” (corrected to “Sorbus hybrida var. thuringiaca Ilse”; vide Art. 24.4 As Art. 24.4). Nyman's reference to Ilse (Jahrb. Königl. Akad. Gemeinnütz. Wiss. Erfurt ser. 2, 4: 109. 1866 ; Fl. Mittelthüringen 109. 1866) provides the validating diagnosis/description.


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