Date de publication : Flora, 58(29):
458. 1875 [11/10/1875, fide p.
449]. Voir aussi Müll.Arg., Fl. Bras., 6(5):
64. 1881 [01/07/1881, fide TL-2,
5538, cf.
p. 336].
Type : "Panuré ad Rio-Uaupès: Spruce n. 2686." [protologue].
Brésil, Amazonas, Jauaraté, cachoeira - caatingas, 10/1852, fleurs. Tree 30ft. Cor: tube red; limb red & yellow. (From a tree blown down by the wind and all withered up save one branch). R. Spruce 2686 (LT:
K000424506 [ex hb. Benth.; photo: NY neg. n.s. 3360; cité comme type par Steyermark, Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 17(1): 349. 1967]; ILT:
BR0000005317554 [ex hb. Mart.], G-DC [photo:
F neg. 25676],
K001194454 [ex hb. Hook.],