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Sarsaparilla Kuntze, 1891

accepté comme Dioscorea L., 1753 [nom. et typ. cons.]


Date de publication : Revis. Gen. Pl., 2: 713-714. 1891 [05/11/1891, fide TL-2, 4021].
Type : Smilax acuminata Willd. 1806 [≡ Sarsaparilla acuminata (Willd.) Kuntze 1891; = Dioscorea sp.!] (Plumier).
D'après Ferrufino-Acosta (Willdenowia, 40(2): 276. 2010): "Smilax acuminata Willd., Sp. Pl. 4: 779. 1806 ≡ Sarsaparilla acuminata (Willd.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 713 (1891). - Lectotype (designated here): [illustration] “Smilax caule aculeato, foliis ovatis” in Plumier, Burm. Amer.: t. 83. 1755. [st!], based on material from the West Indies. – This is not Smilax but represents a species of Dioscorea."


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