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Anthidium peregrinum A. Costa, 1884

accepté comme Pseudoanthidium stigmaticorne (Dours, 1873)


Synonymie : Litman et al. 2021 : "Anthidium peregrinum Costa, 1885, described from Sardinia, has alternately been placed in synonymy with P. nanum (as P. lituratum in Warncke, 1980; Přidal, 2004) and with P. stigmaticorne (as P. leucostoma in Nobile, 1995); other authors have treated this taxon as a subspecies of P. nanum (as P. lituratum Rasmont et al., 1995; Ornosa et al., 2008). Costa’s original description does not provide enough detail to clarify to which taxon this name applies. Only an examination of the type material will clarify the status of P. peregrinum. For the moment we include it as a synonym of P. stigmaticorne (see below)."
     Références : Litman et al. (2021)


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