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Equisetum x hybridum Huter, 1908

accepté comme Equisetum palustre L., 1753


Synonymie :
​This was described as a putative hybrid between Equisetum arvense L. and Equisetum variegatum Schleich, making it the only intersubgeneric hybrid, which seems unlikely. As it has only been found once and no genetic studies on the samples have been carried out, the status of this taxon is yet to be confirmed, but the description makes it seem more like E. palustre than either of the parents, which is why we place it here in synonymy.

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)
Syntype :
​Syntypes : AUSTRIA. ‘Anholz, auf den Obertaler Bergwiesen vor dem See’, 1869, Huter (BOZ?). AUSTRIA. ‘Auf dem Bahndamme südlich der Station Brenner, beiläufig gegenüber vom “Wolfen”’, August 1888, Huter (BOZ?). 

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)


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