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Lactuca quercina subsp. wilhelmsiana (Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex DC.) Feráková, 1970

accepté comme Lactuca wilhelmsiana Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex DC., 1838


Holotype : Holotype: Azerbaijan, Nakhitchevan, “inter frutices et in glareosis secus Nakitschiwantschai”, [before 1832], J. N. Szovits s.n. (G-DC G00498778). 
     Références : Güzel et al. (2018)
Statut biogéographique : The natural distribution of this taxon is considered here to be limited to Anatolia and Caucasus according to the view of Feráková (1976, 1977)
     Références : Güzel et al. (2018)


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