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Hydrocotyle prolifera Kellogg, 1854 [nom. inval.], non Maratti, 1822

accepté comme Hydrocotyle tribotrys Ruiz & Pav., 1802


Date de publication : Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1: 15. 1854 [25/12/1854, fide page datée].
Description originale : Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and specimen of a new species of Hydrocotyle — the provisional name given was H. prolifera.
Description,-Glabrous; leaves peltate, orbicular, slightly emarginate at the base, coarsely crenate, 1 to 2 inches in diameter; scape slender, as long or longer than the petioles; umbels proliferous in 3 whorls below the fourth or proper temrinal umbel; fruit slightly emarginate at base and summit, and ribbed on each side; petioles six inches to one foot in length; twelve to twenty flowered in each umbel, pedicels 1-4 to 1-2 an inch in length.
This species of Pennywort is less robust than the H. ranunculoides, growing also with it in marshes.
Homonymie : non Hydrocotyle prolifera Maratti, Fl. Rom., 1: 193. 1822 [fide TL-2, 5374][= H. vulgaris L. 1753] (Italie, Latium, avant 1777)!
non Hydrocotyle prolifera Link & Otto ex Loudon, Hort. Brit. (ed. 3), (suppl.1): 591. 1839 [fin 1839, fide TL-2, 13547], nom. inval. (Brésil, cult. hort. bot. Berol., 1824)!
Validité : Nom invalide car déclaré provisoire à sa publication: "Dr. Kellogg exhibited a drawing and specimen of a new species of Hydrocotyle — the provisional name given was H. prolifera" (ICN Shenzhen, Art. 36.1).


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